Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What a Wonderful Time at Cousin Corporation!

 On Wednesday, February 20th, I flew out with my fellow ambassadors to for our Cousin Creative Circle retreat at Cousin Corporation.  I was a bit nervous considering I had never flown before.  But I got through it.

Longest escalator ever!

The trip to Tampa was an amazing one even though I got lost at the Atlanta Airport thanks to my fellow ambassador, Suzette Bentley, who told me to meet her at date D-10 and I needed to be at gate B-10.

Anyway, the flights were great.  Started out on Delta from Jackson, MS to Atlanta (a small puddle jumper plane) and then on to Tampa aboard a much larger and nicer Delta plane.  We arrived in Tampa to be greeted by fellow ambassador, Gail Devoid, and Chris White from Cousin.

We ate at Carrabba's in the airport. Great company! Chris kept us in stitches while we awaited the arrival of ambassador Lisa Crone. When we all had gathered together, Chris went to get the "Cuz Bus".  A huge Mercedes-Benz van/bus.  Super cush!  Somehow an orange and an apple got loose and started rolling around on the floor in the Cuz Bus.  It became the running gag for the whole trip.  The pair of fruit began showing up all over the place.

Sunset at Double Tree Resort
We were greeted by wonderful reception at the Double Tree Resort by Hilton on North Redington Beach.  A wonderful photo op on the deck in the setting sun made the day perfect.  Lisa, Suzette, and I stayed up until 11 pm just chatting away.

L to R: Jeff Cousin, Me, Lisa Crone, Suzette Bentley, Gail Devoid, Liz Heggy

Sunrise over the water.

I woke up early Thursday morning and sat out on the deck waiting for my fellow ambassadors and our ride.

We headed out to Cousin Corporation in Largo, FL.  In route, we had to travel down Highway 666.  Too funny!

L to R: Gail, Lisa, Suzette, Me

Big, yet small all at the same time. I was completely blown away on our tour of the facility.  Cousin Corporation began as a small family owned business and has grown into a thriving company with about 175 employees.  This is a major corporation that feels like a small business.  It's unbelievable how the whole operation runs as smoothly as it does with just a skeleton crew.  We aren't talking about just a few orders a month.  They process about 5000 orders a day almost every day - worldwide. All of their orders are processed and packed by hand.
Community at it's best.  There is a strong sense of community and family at Cousin that is undeniably the driving force behind their success.  Everyone is involved in the day to day operations making strong connections between every employee.  Everyone chips in together and helps out.   I was impressed by the fact that Jeff Cousin himself had no problem leaving his office to pack and ship orders.  That speaks volumes to me. Liz Heggy, Sales and Marketing Manager at Cousin, put it best, "If this company succeeds, it's because of all of us and not one person.  If this company fails, it's because of all of us and not just one."

Family. All of us ambassadors felt an immediate connection to the wonderful people of Cousin Corporation.  There was a closeness experienced by all of us that only be called one thing - "family".   The people of Cousin Corporation had no need to impress us.  Their interactions with each other, the joy on each one's face as they came into work and how they glowed as they talked about what they do there let us all know the truth.  Everyone there loves their job because they feel they belong.  Employees of Cousin Corporation have taken ownership of their company and represent Cousin well.  When someone takes ownership of something, one tends to take care of it and cherish it.  The people working for Cousin Corporation do just that.

Winding down. On Thursday night, we dined at a very nice restaurant, Salt Rock Grill.  Awesome food and great fellowship occurred that night.  On Friday, we enjoyed a shopping trip in the Bead Library at Cousin.  We were given a huge box to fill up with whatever we wanted.  Mine had trouble closing.  I had filled it up!

Parting is such sweet sorrow. Gail and Lisa were the first to have to be at the airport. Our hot tamale chauffeur, Chris, took us all to see her off.  Chris, Suzette, and I went over to the mall to await our flights.  Suzette was next to go.  Chris and I hung out at Target and then back to the airport.  I can honestly say, that I felt like I was leaving my home.  These were people in a very short time found a way into my heart, and I didn't want to let them go

Heading home. Sadness set in on the flight to Houston, TX.  The plane was rather large with super comfy seats.  Thank you United Airlines.  I had an almost two hour layover in Texas.  They kept moving my gate around so I had plenty of exercise going back and forth.  The flight home was quicker than anticipated since the United Airlines puddle jumper caught a nice tail wind.  We did hit some storms coming into the Jackson, MS airport.  Saw some lovely lightning around the plane.  I had never seen a storm from the top down before, so that was cool.  All of the bumps weren't so pleasant though.  We touched down and skidded a bit on the wet runway.  I was met by my darling husband, my two adorable boys, and a half dozen roses.

All in all, it was a great trip.  My goodie box arrived yesterday, and I am so stoked to make something pretty!  I made a little video scrapbook of the trip below.  Enjoy.


  1. Hi Shelly,
    What a lovely description of our company. You really nailed it. We enjoyed your visit too. I only wish you had more time on our beautiful beaches. Thanks, Denise (one of the ladies in Sales)

  2. Wow, Shelly, what a wonderful job you did telling this story. You sincerely captured the spirit of Cousin and more!

  3. Hello Shelly,

    Thank you so much for the Glowing Account of your visit here to us at Cousin Corporation. We thoroughly enjoyed having you. Your enthusiasm for both your "Craft" and your "Visit" was contagious to say the least. It was certainly My Pleasure to spend some time chatting with you all and I look forward to your next visit. Thanks again, Jean (Reception)

  4. The sense of family that you describe, Shelly, is something that I will always remember. We felt like we were family because we were treated as family. This trip was wonderful, every minute of it! I enjoyed meeting the people in the office, and the people in the factory. I found it amazing how they were picking the orders. What a crew!

    I am so thankful and proud to be a part of Cousin Corporation of America, and getting the news that we would continue as Inaugural Creative Circle Ambassadors was thrilling.
